Thursday, December 1, 2022

D.I.V.A. Award Nominee Cheryl Siddell

 Meet Marathoner and Yogi Cheryl Siddell!

My Fitness Journey

I have always worked out to stay healthy and maintain my weight. My workouts consisted of walking, classes and strength training at the gym with my personal trainer who I have had for almost 10 years. In fact, during the pandemic, my trainer and I switched to virtual strength training workouts which continue twice weekly.

Over five years ago, I started doing yoga and pilates to work on conditioning my mind, body, and spirit. Through pilates, I attended twice weekly classes at a studio ran by one of the leaders in the pilates community. In addition, I joined a yoga studio where I learned and practiced various types of yoga including, gentle yoga, flow, and calm and strong. I was also able to continue these virtually during the pandemic.

At age 55, I decided I wanted to start running. Since I had never run before, I decided I needed to find a
 trainer. Luckily, I read about a local group, Steps Together, who runs for charity and provides training. I joined the group, trained, and ran my first 5k four months later. After running several 5ks, my cousin encouraged me to run a 10k with her. I also joined Black Girls Run and was motivated to run longer distances, including several half marathons. After my first half marathon in hilly Baltimore, I thought I would never run another one. However, I hired a running coach and ran two enjoyable half marathons in beautiful Wildwood, NJ.

A year before I turned 60, I decided to complete a marathon. I began training with my running coach and researched “friendly marathons” which led to my selection of the 40th Dublin Marathon. My mom and daughter accompanied me to Ireland where we enjoyed a week of sightseeing before the race. On race day, along with over 20,000 other participants, and no rain, I completed my marathon. The most memorable part was having friends, family, and my coach who were all in the United States track me during the race and call and congratulate me after.

During the pandemic, I encountered some health challenges, but I continued my fitness journey. I bought a Peleton bike and I am enjoying the variety of classes including biking, yoga, pilates, walking, and meditation. In addition, I am an active participant in the Planking and Diabetes Challenge Facebook Groups.

Through fitness, I have set and accomplished many goals and met many others in the fitness community who have motivated me and have become friends!


Congratulations Cheryl you are a D.I.V.A.! 

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