Tuesday, December 6, 2022

D.I.V.A. Award Nominees Don and Linda Starr

 Meet nominees Don and Linda Starr!

Don and Linda have been doing daily planks for over 5 years!  This amazing couple are in their 80's both look and feel amazing.  Their motto is "NEVER QUIT" moving your body!

Don and Linda also enjoying walking Sadie their 13 year old YorkiePoo.  

Linda started a Facebook Plank Challenge Group back in January 2019 that she and Don have committed to daily planks for over 4 years.  There are many great benefits of doing daily planks.  A plank exercise is the best exercise to strengthen your core and abdomen.  Planking also improves your balance and posture, reduces belly fat, reduces backaches, and improves metabolism.   Here is Don and Linda's planking challenge.   


  • November 10,2018, my 80th Birthday, I decided to start planking every day as I had read about
  • how good it is for strengthening your upper body, core and arms.
  • Don decided to join me. We started out with 1 one minute Plank a day and after a few months
  • went to 2 one minute planks a day and did not miss a day.
  • I decided to form a Plank A Day Challenge group to start January 1, 2019 and had lots of others
  • to join our challenge. We have over 60 members. Don and I added another day so that we
  • were doing 3 one minute planks a day. Completed 2019 without missing a day.
  • January 1, 2020 , we increased to 4 One minute planks a day without missing a day.
  • January 1, 2021, we increased to 6 One minute planks a day without missing a day.
  • January 1, 2022 we continued the 6 One minute planks without missing a day so far and will
  • continue with 6 One minute planks as long as we are physical able to do so. Never Quit is our
  • Motto.
  • We do other exercises, weights and walking in addition to our planks.
  • I will be 84 November 10,2022 and Don will be 82 March 17, 2023.

Congratulations Don and Linda you both are D.I.V.A. 's! 

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