Monday, December 12, 2022

DI.V.A. Award Nominee Deanna Morrow

 Meet Power Walker Deanna!

I used to walk a lot, until my husband passed away in September 2021.  That was a difficult time for me and staying home on the couch became easier than exercising or going on a walk.  For a little over a year, I did not go on my walks.  One day I reached out to the Walking Diva, she offered to walk with me and that's all it took, a little nudge form this beautiful lady.

I started walking again, I also took on the challenge that was presented by the Walking Diva to walk 52 straight days. The "Extreme Walk 4 Diabetes 52 Day Challenge" you walk, run, bike or just move your body for 52 straight days.  

I completed the challenge and power walker 137.87 miles and I'm so proud of myself. Walking is easy, you just put one foot in front of the other and keep it moving. Walking every day, no matter how far can and will change your life for the better!!!

Walking daily has help me cope with the loss of my husband of 38 years.  We have 5 children, 3 sons and 2 daughters. My husband (Kevin) was a wonderful human being. He always took care of his family. He was a very hard-working man. He always encouraged them to pursue their dreams.  He was kind and never had a harsh word to say.  He is deeply missed!!!


Congratulations Deanna you are a D.I.V.A.!!!

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