Thursday, December 22, 2022

D.I.V.A. Award Nominee Tiffany Ann Holder

 Meet Amateur Boxer Tiffany Holder

Grand Raising my name is Tiffany Ann Holder and I am so honored to be nominated for the 2022 DIVA Award for Amateur Boxing!

This year has been a wild year, on July 25th 2022 at 11:11pm, my beautiful baby girl was born. I am so grateful for my beautiful Wife Katie for being the amazing, beautiful, strong Mother she is, and for pushing through & enduring a truly life changing Unassisted Home Water Birth. The experience of watching my daughter Amari Reighn Holder enter into this world, is the most powerful thing I’ve ever witnessed!

I’m so excited for our future, and to watch our family grow. I’m am so blessed to get the opportunity to chase after my dreams for 2023.

I have been Boxing for two years now, and I will be going deeper into my training this up coming year as I finally start competing at a Armature Boxing level.

Being the youngest child of Yolanda Holder “Walking Diva” I have no shortage of inspiration.
Ever sense I can remember my Mom has always taught me to be fearless, to dream big, and to put in the hard work it takes to chase after your dreams!

My favorite motto of hers is “Don’t Quit”! At the beginning of my journey, these two words were my foundation!  Now two years in, and my new motto is “You Gotta Want It!”.
I’ve found that there are multiple forms of Quitting, or Giving up. For example, me not giving 100% at my workouts. For me, that is a form of quitting.

Like in the beginning of my Boxing journey I found myself slowing down, even cutting the workout short right as I start to feel that strain, pain or fatigue. In the end, I realized I’m only cheating myself!

My coach isn’t the one getting in the ring, going toe to toe with another opponent.
He’s not going to feel fatigued in the ring because I decide to cut my run short, or skip jump rope, or shadow box for 6 rounds instead of the full 12. 
I’m the one going to feel it!
Good ole fashioned hard work is the only way! The more hard work I put into my boxing Training & myself, I’ve found that is the only way to see my Dreams and Vision with this beautiful sport come to light.

Boxing saved my life! With Boxing I’m able to reinvent myself. The old me is passed, and the new me is here growing everyday!
I am so thankful for my family and friends!
I truly believe without them, My Coach Leo out of Lion’s Den Training Academy, as well as the belief in myself, my dreams would be impossible to reach!

Thank you so much for this honor! I’m inspired everyday by you! Thanks for being the best Mom ever, and always believing in me, and pushing me to be The Greatest!
2023 is our year! Health and Wealth, we are Champions!!!

Stay Blessed
Tiffany Ann Holder

Congratulations Tiffany you're a D.I.V.A 

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D.I.V.A. Award Nominee Tiffany Ann Holder

  Meet Amateur Boxer Tiffany Holder Grand Raising my name is Tiffany Ann Holder and I am so honored to be nominated for the 2022 DIVA Award ...