Thursday, December 22, 2022

D.I.V.A. Award Nominee Tiffany Ann Holder

 Meet Amateur Boxer Tiffany Holder

Grand Raising my name is Tiffany Ann Holder and I am so honored to be nominated for the 2022 DIVA Award for Amateur Boxing!

This year has been a wild year, on July 25th 2022 at 11:11pm, my beautiful baby girl was born. I am so grateful for my beautiful Wife Katie for being the amazing, beautiful, strong Mother she is, and for pushing through & enduring a truly life changing Unassisted Home Water Birth. The experience of watching my daughter Amari Reighn Holder enter into this world, is the most powerful thing I’ve ever witnessed!

I’m so excited for our future, and to watch our family grow. I’m am so blessed to get the opportunity to chase after my dreams for 2023.

I have been Boxing for two years now, and I will be going deeper into my training this up coming year as I finally start competing at a Armature Boxing level.

Being the youngest child of Yolanda Holder “Walking Diva” I have no shortage of inspiration.
Ever sense I can remember my Mom has always taught me to be fearless, to dream big, and to put in the hard work it takes to chase after your dreams!

My favorite motto of hers is “Don’t Quit”! At the beginning of my journey, these two words were my foundation!  Now two years in, and my new motto is “You Gotta Want It!”.
I’ve found that there are multiple forms of Quitting, or Giving up. For example, me not giving 100% at my workouts. For me, that is a form of quitting.

Like in the beginning of my Boxing journey I found myself slowing down, even cutting the workout short right as I start to feel that strain, pain or fatigue. In the end, I realized I’m only cheating myself!

My coach isn’t the one getting in the ring, going toe to toe with another opponent.
He’s not going to feel fatigued in the ring because I decide to cut my run short, or skip jump rope, or shadow box for 6 rounds instead of the full 12. 
I’m the one going to feel it!
Good ole fashioned hard work is the only way! The more hard work I put into my boxing Training & myself, I’ve found that is the only way to see my Dreams and Vision with this beautiful sport come to light.

Boxing saved my life! With Boxing I’m able to reinvent myself. The old me is passed, and the new me is here growing everyday!
I am so thankful for my family and friends!
I truly believe without them, My Coach Leo out of Lion’s Den Training Academy, as well as the belief in myself, my dreams would be impossible to reach!

Thank you so much for this honor! I’m inspired everyday by you! Thanks for being the best Mom ever, and always believing in me, and pushing me to be The Greatest!
2023 is our year! Health and Wealth, we are Champions!!!

Stay Blessed
Tiffany Ann Holder

Congratulations Tiffany you're a D.I.V.A 

Monday, December 19, 2022

D.I.V.A. Award Nominee Ed Rousseau

 Meet nominee Ultramarathoner Ed Rousseau! 

When your faced with a decision, make that decision as wisely as possible and then forget it because the moment of absolute certainty never arrives.
- Ed Rousseau
Had the pleasure of hanging out with Ed Rousseau aka “Fast Eddie” the last few days. What an extraordinary and inspiring human being. He built his cabin up in Northern Minnesota by hand all by himself over the course of 25 years. He even hand dug the basement out using the extra dirt to build up his driveway and when he hit sand he used it to make the cement.

At 83 years young he is still crushing his athletic dreams as an ultra runner. Just recently placing first at the World 48 Hour Championships running 108.23 miles in 48 hours. And he still has his sights set on the 48 hour world record for his age which is 145 miles! I asked him “how he does it?” He replied “you need to have a vision, once you have your vision set goals that will help see your vision through and lastly create a plan (write it down) on how you will complete your goals.”

Ed has set or  broken 18 US Ultra marathon Records from 100 Miles to 48 Hour and 6-Day Events and 5 World Indoor Track Records. His 110 Mile Total in the 2005 24 Hour Nat'ls, at age 66, was ranked the USA 7th best Overall USA Masters Runner Ultra Marathon Performance that year. His 336 mile total in a 6 day race at age 74 in 2014 was a U.S. and World Masters Division Record while also setting four other 70-74 Age World Records at 12, and 24 Hours, at 100K, and 100 Miles. In February 2020, he broke the US 100 Mile 80-84 Record and moved to Number 2 in the World all time 100 Mile 80-84 Division. In June 2021 with 303.37 Miles in a 6-day race he passed Hall of Famer Ted Corbitt and moved into 2nd place 80-84 Division in the World All Time.

It goes to show that no matter which age you are, it really is just a number and it is up to how you live it. Often I hear people say “I’m old or I’m getting to old for that” which in my humble opinion it’s just a limiting belief that stops you from reaching your full potential. Not everything has come easy as Ed had to overcome a drinking addiction which he eventually did at age 40 when he took up running. So when you’re reading this, know that it’s never to late to start but there will be work involved when creating your dream life. The question becomes, what’s it worth to you? An example of SISU at it’s finest. Thanks for the memories Ed! #anythingispossible
- Brad Anderson

Congratulations Ed you are a D.I.V.A.!

Monday, December 12, 2022

DI.V.A. Award Nominee Deanna Morrow

 Meet Power Walker Deanna!

I used to walk a lot, until my husband passed away in September 2021.  That was a difficult time for me and staying home on the couch became easier than exercising or going on a walk.  For a little over a year, I did not go on my walks.  One day I reached out to the Walking Diva, she offered to walk with me and that's all it took, a little nudge form this beautiful lady.

I started walking again, I also took on the challenge that was presented by the Walking Diva to walk 52 straight days. The "Extreme Walk 4 Diabetes 52 Day Challenge" you walk, run, bike or just move your body for 52 straight days.  

I completed the challenge and power walker 137.87 miles and I'm so proud of myself. Walking is easy, you just put one foot in front of the other and keep it moving. Walking every day, no matter how far can and will change your life for the better!!!

Walking daily has help me cope with the loss of my husband of 38 years.  We have 5 children, 3 sons and 2 daughters. My husband (Kevin) was a wonderful human being. He always took care of his family. He was a very hard-working man. He always encouraged them to pursue their dreams.  He was kind and never had a harsh word to say.  He is deeply missed!!!


Congratulations Deanna you are a D.I.V.A.!!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

D.I.V.A. Award Nominees Don and Linda Starr

 Meet nominees Don and Linda Starr!

Don and Linda have been doing daily planks for over 5 years!  This amazing couple are in their 80's both look and feel amazing.  Their motto is "NEVER QUIT" moving your body!

Don and Linda also enjoying walking Sadie their 13 year old YorkiePoo.  

Linda started a Facebook Plank Challenge Group back in January 2019 that she and Don have committed to daily planks for over 4 years.  There are many great benefits of doing daily planks.  A plank exercise is the best exercise to strengthen your core and abdomen.  Planking also improves your balance and posture, reduces belly fat, reduces backaches, and improves metabolism.   Here is Don and Linda's planking challenge.   


  • November 10,2018, my 80th Birthday, I decided to start planking every day as I had read about
  • how good it is for strengthening your upper body, core and arms.
  • Don decided to join me. We started out with 1 one minute Plank a day and after a few months
  • went to 2 one minute planks a day and did not miss a day.
  • I decided to form a Plank A Day Challenge group to start January 1, 2019 and had lots of others
  • to join our challenge. We have over 60 members. Don and I added another day so that we
  • were doing 3 one minute planks a day. Completed 2019 without missing a day.
  • January 1, 2020 , we increased to 4 One minute planks a day without missing a day.
  • January 1, 2021, we increased to 6 One minute planks a day without missing a day.
  • January 1, 2022 we continued the 6 One minute planks without missing a day so far and will
  • continue with 6 One minute planks as long as we are physical able to do so. Never Quit is our
  • Motto.
  • We do other exercises, weights and walking in addition to our planks.
  • I will be 84 November 10,2022 and Don will be 82 March 17, 2023.

Congratulations Don and Linda you both are D.I.V.A. 's! 

Thursday, December 1, 2022

D.I.V.A. Award Nominee Cheryl Siddell

 Meet Marathoner and Yogi Cheryl Siddell!

My Fitness Journey

I have always worked out to stay healthy and maintain my weight. My workouts consisted of walking, classes and strength training at the gym with my personal trainer who I have had for almost 10 years. In fact, during the pandemic, my trainer and I switched to virtual strength training workouts which continue twice weekly.

Over five years ago, I started doing yoga and pilates to work on conditioning my mind, body, and spirit. Through pilates, I attended twice weekly classes at a studio ran by one of the leaders in the pilates community. In addition, I joined a yoga studio where I learned and practiced various types of yoga including, gentle yoga, flow, and calm and strong. I was also able to continue these virtually during the pandemic.

At age 55, I decided I wanted to start running. Since I had never run before, I decided I needed to find a
 trainer. Luckily, I read about a local group, Steps Together, who runs for charity and provides training. I joined the group, trained, and ran my first 5k four months later. After running several 5ks, my cousin encouraged me to run a 10k with her. I also joined Black Girls Run and was motivated to run longer distances, including several half marathons. After my first half marathon in hilly Baltimore, I thought I would never run another one. However, I hired a running coach and ran two enjoyable half marathons in beautiful Wildwood, NJ.

A year before I turned 60, I decided to complete a marathon. I began training with my running coach and researched “friendly marathons” which led to my selection of the 40th Dublin Marathon. My mom and daughter accompanied me to Ireland where we enjoyed a week of sightseeing before the race. On race day, along with over 20,000 other participants, and no rain, I completed my marathon. The most memorable part was having friends, family, and my coach who were all in the United States track me during the race and call and congratulate me after.

During the pandemic, I encountered some health challenges, but I continued my fitness journey. I bought a Peleton bike and I am enjoying the variety of classes including biking, yoga, pilates, walking, and meditation. In addition, I am an active participant in the Planking and Diabetes Challenge Facebook Groups.

Through fitness, I have set and accomplished many goals and met many others in the fitness community who have motivated me and have become friends!


Congratulations Cheryl you are a D.I.V.A.! 

D.I.V.A. Award Nominee Tiffany Ann Holder

  Meet Amateur Boxer Tiffany Holder Grand Raising my name is Tiffany Ann Holder and I am so honored to be nominated for the 2022 DIVA Award ...